Sample WEMO DEIS Comments


Please use the following as a guideline as to the types of comments that you can make to the BLM’s DEIS, but feel free to make any other relevant comments as well.


  1. The WEMO DEIS is difficult to access via the BLM’s web site.

  2. The maps are difficult to access, are user-unfriendly, lack streets for orientation and contain numerous inaccuracies.

  3. The BLM has failed to provide CDs of the WEMO DEIS and maps to many of those who requested them.

  4. Because of the difficulty of public access to the DEIS, the BLM must extend the deadline by another 120 days.

  5. NONE of the alternatives are acceptable.

  6. The BLM’s Preferred Alternative represents a doubling of the number of existing routes. This is directly contrary to the mandate to minimize damage and conflict.
  7. By its own admission the BLM is unable to enforce the law on existing routes and areas and therefore the proposal to increase routes illogical and contrary to the instructions of the court.
  8. The BLM’s own monitoring data indicates that there is widespread motorized trespass, extensive erosion and proliferation of illegal routes.

  9. The BLM must close or limit all routes that intersect with private property.

  10. The BLM must remove all routes that intersect with County Service Area (CSA) roads, private property access, roads and highways used by licensed vehicles in order to avoid conflicts with residents and accidents with vehicles.

  11. The BLM must remove all routes in areas that are out of compliance with federal and state Air Quality Control Standards since ORV activity exacerbates air pollution.
  12. The BLM must present other alternatives that dramatically reduce the number and length of routes. These alternatives must be in the range of 25% to 35% existing motorized vehicle routes, and completely avoid rural communities, washes and riparian habitats, desert wildlife management areas (DWMA)s, areas of critical environmental concern (ACEC)s, designated wilderness areas and wilderness study areas, wildlife linkages, areas with threatened, endangered and sensitive species, and historical and Native American cultural resources.
  13. IDENTIFY specific routes in your area for elimination and explain the criteria based on the Code of Federal Regulations Minimization Criteria.